——美国密歇根澳门新浦8455最新网站交通运输研究所James R.Sayer
报告人: James R. Sayer
题目:Connected and Automated Vehicles: Moving Toward Deployment
The United States has begun small-scaled deployments of connected vehicle technology, the largest of which is currently being conducted in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This talk will cover highlights of the existing model deployment, plans to expand it, and a University of Michigan-wide initiative aimed at the development and deployment of connected and automated vehicle technology.
Dr. Jim Sayer is a Research Scientist, and Head of the Human Factors Group, at the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute where he has conducted both basic and translational research since 1993. His research interests include driver assistance systems, advanced safety systems development, naturalistic driving behavior, driver distraction, driver vision, and pedestrian conspicuity. He currently serves as the Project Manager of the Connected Vehicle Safety Pilot Model Deployment, a U.S. Department of Transportation-sponsored program incorporating over 2,800 vehicles to demonstrate connected-vehicle technologies in a real-world, multi-modal environment. The results of the Safety Pilot Model Deployment are being used by the U.S. DOT to determine driver acceptance for, and evaluate the feasibility, scalability, security and device interoperability of connected vehicle technologies.